
Moose came to us in 2013 as a craigslist trade. We knew immediately that his soundness was questionable, however he proved to be the safe horse that we needed in our program, and if we are careful not to use him hard, he is a wonderful contributor. He was approximately 12 when we aquired him. We don’t jump him, longe him or use him for anyone over 175 pounds. Moose is the sweetest horse ever! Passive aggressive, he is lazy in a very endearing way, as he is very smart and his kindness outdoes his laziness. Everyone loves Moose! He is perfect for someone who needs a confidence builder that they can love on and ride easily.

Simply Hot Secret (sire Simply Hot, dam Zippo Sweetums)

DOB: 2001

Chestnut Quarterhorse gelding, 15.2h

junPo© Sue Cook 2015