What do YOU comb?
We horse people like to comb manes. And tails. And forelocks and fetlocks. And dogs…
Some of us tame our horse’s manes. Some of us have pastures with burdocks in them …and almost all of us have a little metal alumninum comb in our brush boxes. It’s the only really tough, rugged, perfectly designed tool to pull out snarls, too thick manes and burrs. Not to mention it is the tries and true tool for mane taming. Do you have one with a handle? if so, it’s too small to hold on to when pulling at snarls or debris, especially if you have a non-stick product on the hair to help detangle. And if it does have a handle, unless it is a Horse Amour Ultimate Comb, that handle is small, slippery and will fall out undeer pressure. But knot anymore! Take your horse’s mane from knotty to nice!
To tell the truth, I do NOT pull my horses’ manes. They hate it. But I like my manes short, trim and neat. I use the Horse Amour Ultimate Comb to rake through the mane, it removes all loose or weak hairs. I then use it to tease the mane and back-scissor it over and over until I reach the desired length.
I have burdocks on my property (ugh!) and this is the ONLY tool that works quickly and efficiently. Even if you have Cowboy Magic, Vetrolin Detangler or my favorite Knotty Horse Apricot Oil Treatment on your hands. You won’t easily drop this comb!
My horses live outside most of the time, so in the winter ice balls on the fetlock feathers are an issue. This comb is great for removing them! The year I made it I was awaiting a hip replacement, and bending over to remove these was relieved by this comb giving me several inches more reach, and lots of leverage.
What the combs look like…some are light, some are dark. Some have lots of wood grain, some don’t. They are all unique!
Now we have it!!!!! It took a couple of years, a variety of prototypes, and a clever woodworking company in Maine to tool the handle, but the Horse Amour Ultimate Comb was created in 2018. It features:
*aluminum cast comb with a 4” pressure fitted tang to guarantee stability and strength
*durable sold New England hardwood handle
*ergonomic and attractive
*(mostly) made in the USA
*Maine yellow birch, no two handles are identical
*brought to you by the maker of Horse Amour Bit Wipes
*buy it on Etsy today!
*suggested retail $21.95 (wholesale inquiries welcome)
Below are some prototypes that I used when developing this tool. It was fun to make! I actually had the local high school kids design a 3d plastic mold to begin with, then I had something to present to the aluminum casting company and the woodworking company.
Below are more prototypes, and the finished casting (top) with the AMAZING 4” tang. This is a REAL tool. Assembled just like a hammer or an axe.
And more prototypes...
My daughter Betsy and I took the Ultimate Comb to the Equine Affaire in November of 2018. It was not a great success like the Bit Wipes, but it did sell…mostly to men who recognized it as a sturdy, high quality tool.
I had negative feedback from advertising it as a “pulling” comb, since most animal people no longer support that tradition. I’m actually one of them; my horses do not like to be pulled. I use it just the same, to detangle, tease and trim. NOTHING compares. But now we call it the Ultimate Comb only!
You can purchase one here at Horse Amour, or on Etsy!