Does YOUR horse love their bit?
Horse Amour WE/Trail Play Days
March 17 St. Patrick’s Day Theme
April 14 Easter Theme TBA
These days are fun, schooling opportunities for any level of horse and rider. We try to follow basic guidelines for Working Equitation, however we are novices and our foremost rule is “Our Barn, Our Rules”.
The course will be set up (at least in part) the week prior. Anyone wishing to school the basic obstacles may come and join a class, or rent the arena. Once the course is decorated, no schooling will be permitted. The track will be kept open, and participants may school their horses in the arena prior to the beginning of the competition.
No ribbons will be given, however each participant will recieve a score sheet and there will be small prizes.
If anyone would be interested in sponsoring a Series for 2024, please let us know! Points would be kept, and ribbons could be ordered for the high point participants at the conclusion of the series.
Entry fee is $60; entries are due by the Thursday prior. Post entries may be accepted for an additional $20. Entries may be limited due to the small size of our facility.
Stalls are available to rent for $20.
Schoolhorses are available to lease for the day for $30.
Call or text Sue at 802-683-6598 with any questions.
Horse Amour Peppermint Bit Wipes
Horse Amour Peppermint Bit Wipes are distributed by English Riding Supply but they originate right here in Castleton, VT. Click the links below if you want to know the back stories!
*Video Introduction to Horse Amour
*Does YOUR horse love her bit?
*Jack of all trades/how I support my habit!
*Bit Wipes got a 2021 makeover!
*4-Wheeler tour of Horse Amour
*Want to become a dealer? Contact our distributor, English Riding Supply at 866-569-1600. or call 802-468-2200, or email Sue at
My daughter Stephanie with my OTTB Kangaroo Style, known to me as Joey. Joey LOVES Bit Wipes, but a little too much. His photos didn’t make the cut, and Halo had to take over as model. Hopefully Joey’s mug will be appearing shortly on the new Apple flavor Bit Wipes